I ended up seeing a friend instead. Very typical of me :)
We did get our taxes done. YAY.
Did get my layout finished. I used Cosmo Cricket range of papers from Scraptastic South West. I want my son to do the journaling when he can. I'm not so good at boy layouts. I hope to do more of Ethan so I hope I do improve :) I am sure Ethan will love this though. Thats the important thing.

Also other news I am on the creative team on the How Dare You blog. I am quite excited. Its not all about scrapbooking either. So I like this quite a lot. Some of the girls on the team are so creative.
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. the weather is bright and sunny. We were meant to get rain which is so badly needed in certain areas. So I hope it does rain soon.
Have a nice weekend.
Catching up with friends is way more important that organising the flippin' paperwork anyway.
At least you have your taxes out of the way. Cross that one off your list.
Congratulations on your spot of the How Dare You blog. I just had a quick look at the blog, it looks great.
congrats on the CT at how dare you!! i have that CC pp and now you've given me heaps of ideas. Thanks natasha!!
Hello lovely, I love the layout very different style scrapping for you hehe. I so love Cogsmo but you probably already know that ;)
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