I have taken a few pictures just in the last week.
More evidence of Ella having fun with paint.

Also have to say that she didn't actually paint on the piano but placed the wet page face down on the piano. So glad it was easy to get off. I suppose what comes around goes around. I remember as a little girl having fun decorating wall and coloring in my dads favorite books
Also I made bread for the first time ever. I found
this great website to show me how.
Here is the loaf.

I was amazed that it actually tasted nice. Just a lot of hard work with the kneeding and waiting for it to rise. I don't think I could do this every day my hands would get so sore.
Last Saturday night it was earth hour. We had a lot of fun with the lights out. I really missed Ethan though. He was away at the time. We are planning to do this more.

Its just amazing how little ones can sleep in all sorts of positions. This is so cute.

I was planning to get some scrapping done. The afternoon is almost gone. Maybe this evening.
oh my goodness, I nearly died when I saw that piano! Glad it came off alright.
Your bread looks delicious! My sister has been making her own bread too. I, so far, am too lazy.
Your Earth Hour picture looks so cozy. I completely forgot about it, but in my defence, I do try and conserve energy as much as possible.
I love that picture of Ella sound asleep. I have been waiting for one of my kids to do that, but it has never happened. They are just not 'fall asleep on the spot' kind of kids, unfortunately.LOL
oooh, hope you're getting lots of scrapping done tonight
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