I have joined a flickr group and there is going to be a new forum which isn't the old onebut a brand new one. Here it is. ATC's for all. Ther are also some Yahoo groups which s great to connect but I find then so overwhelming with all the posts. I think all the swaps I was involved with are still continuing.
ON the Scrapbook front. I have completed a layout for Enchanted Scrapbooking. Its not on the page yet but I will still put it up here :) I have been behind on my commitments this month. Been quite hard to keep up with everything.
Today was going to plan to meet some girls. But my husband has gone out. My daughter accidently kicked me in the back last night resulting in shooting pain. Feeling alright this morning. Thanks to medication.
Also I have found a great website and blog. I h ad ordered stamps and still waiting for them to come in. I can't wait. Here they are. The ones at the bottom. Crow About. Also every month there is a crusade
Thinking about doing the next crusade. Anyone can join in. the details are on the site.
I hope you are all having a nice weekend.
Hi Natasha...I hope your back pain is gone by now... it sounds horrible.
Your layout is up now.. the flower looks sensational...
Enchanted Scrapbooking.
I just looked at your Clustr Map and Wow, lots of visitors getting to see your stuff!! Very exciting Tash.
Fantastic layout hon.
You have been tagged, check out my blog for details :)
Hi Natasha,
Your LO looks gorgeous. I love the flower too, It's fantastic.
Hi Natasha,
I hope your Back is feeling heaps better now. I love your Layout too!
Take Care,
Check out our Forum!
I have tagged you Tash.
And while I was doing the tag on my blog I had this very vague memory come back to me of you tagging me and me not doing because I have the memory of a gold fish. I am sorry I was so slack.
oh wow, such a beautiful and eye catching layout,
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