I am hoping by making a list here today will help me do the things I have to today.
I received my wonderful papers from
Scraptastic South West. Need to make a start on a layout. I have the Cosmo Cricket
Cogsmo range. So will be great for layout of my son.
I need organise documents to FINALLY get out taxes done. Took so long for one of my husbands employers to get the group certificate in. Then for my husband to make the appointment. I suppose I could have but he is the one that works and has to take time off work.
I am not very organised. I did purchase a filling cabinet. With dividers that are quite nice. A robin egg blue with a bird and branch on it :) But they are sitting there and not used.
Everything is in a pile in the top drawer and some scrapping supplies that don't belong in
the second drawer. I need to do myself a favour and organise. I hate it so much. I k now where most things are in my mess. Often when I do organise that is when I lose things.
I am meant to be in hospital now recovering from surgery. It was postponed to 'soon'. Maybe Tuesday next week. The organiser of it rings on Thursday. Just want to get it over and done with.
So hopefully I will post later with a layout and say that I have had a day of organising :)