Rules: You have to add a question on to the end then tag 2 more people.
1. My 2 favorite scrapbook topics are: Children and nature
2. The 2 best places I've been to are: Tasmania and in the mountains during winter
3. 2 things I do everyday are: Spend time with my children and scrapbook
4. The 2 things everyone knows about me are: Don't think everyone knows the same two things about me except I am married with kids.
5. The 2 places I wish to visit are: Canada and Africa
6. 2 things you may not know about me are: Very shy, and I am half Russian
7. My two favorite foods are: Chocolate and pasta
8. My two favorite musical artists are: I go through phases all the time. At the moment. Mika and Nelly Fortado
9. What's the last thing you watched on television? Dora the explorer
10. What is the one thing you can always count on to make you feel better? Cuddles
11. What is your favorite art era? I like Modern. Dali and Frida are examples
12. If you could be someone famous who would you be? This is a hard question because I don't want to be famous. I think a famous writer or artist. Can't choose a name.
My Question: What is the goal that you would like to achieve the most?
Now I tag
Brenda and