I found out today I didn't make it though the last challenge in Embellished idol. I didn't expect to feel so bummed because I didn't think I would even make it through the first round. Overall it has been a great experience. Also this is the last week of the Scrapworld challenge. I think I will settle down with all this challenge stuff because it isn't doing my confidence any good really. But I love a challenge though.
Here is my last embellished challenge.
Here is my last 2Scrapworld Challenges I have enjoyed these too and scrapworld have more challenges coming up :)

I have also been doing challenges in 1,2,3 CyberCrop. I have really enjoyed these and they come up once a month and there are prizes to win.
Here are some layouts.

Thought I would add something funny. Don't leave a 2 year old girl by herself in the bath room for a second.
What an innocent face.